Good times!

Vladimir Shulman
3 min readApr 22, 2021

Intro, real short: brand new bootstrapped start-up, I’m one of three co-founders and the CTO. It’s 00:39 And I have just finished cleaning up the kitchen after roughly 15 hours long work-day. I am relaxing, listening to random music and sipping on a glass of Armagnac. Turns out that it takes time to switch the brain to neutral from high gear… This is my time to do thinking, planning, blogging …

Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash

Now you might think “poor thing, I feel sorry for him”. But you got it all wrong. I’m not complaining. I’m loving every second of my last 5 months journey. In these 5 months we have gone from a team of 2 to 7, established a super impressive operation with 3 (small) teams working together, delivering, performing, making mistakes and learning together.

T o tell you the truth — it’s probably not for everyone. Not many people would enjoy uncertainty, being one (wo)man army, not knowing and having to learn as you go, not to mention crazy work hours. It’s hard, often frustrating, and you don’t get to sleep as much as you’d like… And that is ladies, and gentlemen, part of the magic!

Intense! This is the word I’m looking for. Everything is much more intense. Every small fault feels like a disaster… But each small success feels like a huge victory!!! The joy of overcoming yet another obstacle — it’s crazy I tell ya. To give you some example, the debugging process is as following:

- Banging my head against the display
- Banging my head against the wall
- Opening the window, throwing out the laptop
- Walking around the room — come up with what seems like could actually work
- Go outside, bring everything back and plug it in
- Half day of smoking keyboard and burning fingers


Can you see it now??? Nothing quite like it! As long as you can survive the lows, the highs are well worth it… Spoken like a true junkie but it doesn’t mean it’s not true :)

I f you are reading this — there’s a purpose to this story. We are just picking up the speed and it means we want to do more … much more. And to be honest, as much as I enjoy not sleeping, I actually need to sleep and it means we are looking for a brave soul #8 to join us. This lucky #8 gal or guy will work with yours truly on our AWS backend developing a monster of a backend for gathering business intelligence — technological heaven, programmatical bliss, career growth utopia… I hope I made it clear.

Know anyone like that? Send them over:

Acrostic is almost complete! Did I mention our startup is called Inticikate? Perhaps I will explain in my next story what it means…



Photo by Clemens van Lay on Unsplash

* No laptops were harmed during the debugging processes described above … yet.

